Why Use Collaborative Robots On Food Production Lines?

Posted on: 24 February 2023


If you work in the food manufacturing industry, then your business might benefit from introducing some collaborative robots. These robotic devices, also known as cobots, have some business benefits you will find useful.

Enhanced Productivity

Your production lines can only work as fast as your employees. If some of your workers have to deal with boring and repetitive tasks, then their productivity will start to diminish during each shift. People become less mentally engaged if the work they do is repetitive and boring. They also become physically tired. If you add some cobot arms to your production lines, then they can take care of repetitive and menial tasks. They are built to work repetitively and they don't tire.

You get a productivity boost. The extra speed and consistency cobots give you are also useful. For example, you might be able to take on more orders and increase your production speeds.

Better Worker Engagement

While people sometimes worry about being replaced by robots on production lines, this isn't necessarily the case. Typically, people work alongside cobots. This extra automation can actually boost your worker engagement.

If you use some cobots on repetitive tasks, then your workers can move on to more interesting jobs in your facility. They won't get as mentally or physically tired. They are less likely to suffer from repetitive stress injuries. If you use cobots alongside your workforce, then you can boost production without increasing working hours. Your employees will have a better work/life balance. Plus, if your business can fulfill more orders and grow, then you do better financially. You might be able to increase wages. You become a better place to work.

Increased Worker Safety

While some of the jobs on your production lines are repetitive, some can be more hazardous. For example, if some of your crews have to pick items out of cold storage or package products in pressurized rooms, then you have to make sure that you look after their health and safety. You might have to kit them out in specialized protective clothing. You'll have to run enhanced training to teach people how to take care of themselves as they work.

If you put cobots in these environments, then your people don't have to work in them. These robotic devices can take on potentially dangerous work and keep your employees safer.

To find out more about your options, contact collaborative robot manufacturers or suppliers and ask about their food manufacturing ranges.